Dane's Trip [There is Nothing Left to Say (On The Invisibles)]
Never been big on the idea that you have to wholly see yourself in a protagonist to deeply immerse in a fiction. In a piece of art, you can be wholly outside the main character and it can impact you because of that. A lot of us think that the two people in the American Gothic painting are married. Or, the same age. Neither of which is true. Some of us believe Ben Grimm, the Fantastic Four’s Thing, was never ever ever meant to be Jewish.
Jack Frost, a blonde, blue-eyed white boy with a Beatles accent and a Buddha nature, is our main protagonist in The Invisibles, and that is the gag. Jack is all of us, but only in that we are all, each and collectively, all of us.
The absurdity and especially the difficulty of embracing this is the best point in its corner.
I have never felt myself very much in Jack, the way I have Lord Fanny, Ragged Robin, Helga, Boy, Mr Six, and a range of characters with very brief appearances in the comic. Jack Frost is all of those characters, though; he is telling and presenting those characters, and literally them. And, they are literally the telling, the showing, of the artists, the writer, the inkers and colorists and editors and readers and me.
We still have a long way to go with There is Nothing Left to Say (On The Invisibles). Almost another full year, if we stay to a schedule of weekly releases. I appreciate everyone in our audience, whether you are consistent, fair weather, or just show up once. If you dislike what we do, recommend it to your enemies!
I appreciate paying subscribers and free subscribers. I appreciate donations, tips, and if you hire me for other things, especially if it is because you like There is Nothing Left to Say, because I worked hard on this serializing book. Plus, I like you; of course I want you around and happy.
We had a funny I-could-die scare when this began serializing. I did not die (that you know of), but it was scary. And, it was as silly as you-could-die always is, when it is you.
I am glad I could be along for the ride with you as this unrolls.
I hope you enjoy this chapter, at the link just below.