Coming Up
It’s not a well-kept secret that my health and medications have slowed down my productivity. That does not mean, though, that we don’t have some amazing things coming up in the near future.
Naturally, There is Nothing Left to Say (On The Invisibles) will continue, as will the weekly commentary. Guest inclusions will include photography, tattoos, personal essays, comics, and more from a variety of great folks.
A mix of jazz, uncertainty, Charlie Parker, Mike Diana, parthenogenetic yuppies, Zombina and the Skeletones, clay pigeons, punk, murder, heartbreak, and the blues. The Subtonic Calendar is a string of tragedies and frustrations.
Persephone That Andrew W.K. is not all the twisting conspiracy theories about the musician or his podpeople doubles, but that’s just because we can’t fit all of them in and talk about other things. The high pop magick of theatre, distraction, and coming with good references.
One final statement on John Cassaday, Warren Ellis, Laura Martin comic, Planetary. Warren Ellis burned a lot of people, some in truly terrible ways, and Planetary was used to do some of that damage. That seems worth exploring, as does the trend to reevaluate it as a worse comic, a shallower comic, which to me seems out of spite and hurt more than honest appraisal. Attempting to be honest about it all.
An interview with Erika Lewis, who, with artist J.K. Woodward, produced a gem of a comic, The 49th Key.
Is Rory Gilmore a Good Journalist?; Batman Incorporated: An Image of a Culture in Decline; Three from Minty; Overanalyzing Early Animal Man; Bob Dylan & Robert E Howard’s Shadow Kingdoms.
Some serialized critical pieces I have been putting off forever, because the talent and execution of the comics scares me. Piece on the Carlos Pacheco/Rafael Marín Fantastic Four, with a side trip into the Inhumans miniseries they wrote for José Ladrönn and Jorge Lucas. A serious, critical look at Gary Spencer Millidge’s Strangehaven. A deeper look Swords of Sorrow, which Gail Simone orchestrated, pairing up exemplars of various character and genre types from across pulp fiction, from Irene Adler and Dejah Thoris to Red Sonja and Vampirella. Like the SoS expansion, an extended version of Spinback & Synthesis, my essay on Seven Soldiers of Victory, currently a notes file weighing in at over twenty-two thousand words and 7.2 MB.
If I really get brave, we will see some long, heady, hopefully earnest takes on Nth Man, by Larry Hama and Ron Wagner.
Trying to avoid doing more Grant Morrison things immediately, or while There is Nothing Left to Say continues, but who’m I kidding? I’m going to. I’m still gonna. Look for thoughts on their Green Lantern with Liam Sharp, a new chapter of Five Ways to Read Final Crisis, centering on the novelization, and because someone bought me the Absolute edition of The Multiversity, a piece on that comic as an institution and a place of learning, plus a caveat about how far out on limbs I will sometimes go.
And, a new piece on jouissance, langue on parole, cohabitation of ideas, and over-academic ruminations on Roland Barthes, Love Hina, Calvin & Hobbes, Lexx, Barbarella, Milk Moriniaga, John Calvin, and homosocialist Cheers.
This is a study of Al Milgrom, John Byrne, and a West Coast Avengers cactus-man, so you know I will go for those limbs:
Always open for hire, time and money permitting, and time and money are always negotiable.
More from me, including pay scale and offers, here.
If there are comics or movies or something you want me to write about, don’t be shy about hitting the requests button or sending me things off my wishlist or just bending my ear enough.
Thanks for sticking with us. Thank you for your patronage.